Heading to Stiles fashioned with a thick summer stack, congratulations to Leander ISD Summer Reader of the Week Quinn Gray!

Quinn starts a whole new adventure as a middle schooler in the fall. He’s spending his summer building his reading stack while reading in his pj’s. His favorite book is The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak. When he takes a break from the books, Quinn is singing and dancing, playing basketball, or on a device playing Animal Crossing.

“Quinn has worked hard this year to improve his reading skills,” his mother Emily said. Quinn recently graduated fifth grade from Rutledge Elementary. “It’s fun to see him now, excited to find books related to his interests.” 

Students stand to benefit from summer reading through keeping their literacy and language skills sharp. Studies have shown that children who read through the summer are more likely to see their proficiency improve, better preparing them for the school year.

When asked what is important to him when he’s choosing books for his summer reading stack, Quinn said, “Reading books about topics I like, basketball, history, and superheroes, especially if they are comics or graphic novels. I can’t wait to start middle school!”

For recognizing summer fun includes what’s in a book, we’re tipping our hat to Quinn Gray — Leander ISD Summer Reader of the Week!