Leander ISD is proud to recognize Vista Ridge High School’s Alli Bellows as the Fine Arts Student of the Week.

The senior standout is among the band’s most influential leaders. Alli has achieved honorsΒ such as All-Region Band, UIL Solo and Ensemble Division 1, TSSEC Division 2, multiple time Young Artist Competition Semi-finalist, placement in the Texas Youth Wind Symphony, among others.

Alli has also worked tirelessly for the betterment of the entire band program, doing so with positivity and encouragement towards her bandmates. She has served as squad leader, section leader and band president, where she uses her platforms to help others and encourage a positive and hardworking culture in and out of the program.

“Alli is and has been a fantastic musician, but more recently has contributed with new ideas regarding processes and improvements to existing systems that has made our program run even more smoothly,” VRHS Band Director Bryan Christian said. “Her leadership has been positively impactful and her musicianship and work ethic sets the standard.”

Congratulations to Alli Bellows, our LISD Fine Arts Student of the Week!