Leander ISD bus drivers will compete in a Roadeo in the east parking lot at John Gupton Stadium on March 4 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. This community event welcomes students, families, campuses, businesses and neighbors to cheer on your favorite bus drivers as they demonstrate their ability to maneuver their school bus through a variety of driving obstacle courses. The winning Regular and Special-Needs drivers will move on to the Texas Association for Pupil Transportation state competition in April where they will showcase their skills in driving and working with students.

Drivers will begin their day at 8 a.m. at Central Transportation as they take a test on general knowledge and vehicle inspections. They will then create a bus parade as they head to Gupton Stadium for the competition. Once there, our contestants will go head-to-head to compete for top honors and recognition!

The event will also feature a variety of vendors from around the area. If you are interested in being a vendor, please fill out this form. We will keep a running list of confirmed vendors at the bottom of this article as they become available.

Come on out and enjoy the fun!

Confirmed Vendors

  • Check back soon!