Sing your heart out for Leander ISD Fine Arts Student of the Week Alexandra Nuez!
Over the past four years, the Glenn High School senior has participated in choir and art. A founding member of the Glenn Dynamicz Show Choir, Alex has served as choir president for two years. During that same time, she qualified for University Interscholastic League (UIL) State Solo & Ensemble. Alex has auditioned for Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Region Choir since she was a sophomore. Equally impressive, Alex is doing outstanding work in Art. Currently finishing her portfolio for AP Art Studio, she received a IV on her Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE) entry. A IV signifies the highest rating, marking an exemplary work of art. Not only an accomplished fine arts student, Alex also serves as a member of the Spanish National Honor Society.
“Alex is an exemplary member of the choir program,” Glenn HS Choir Director Theresa Killingsworth said. “She has set an example with her auditioning and participating in optional events. As the president of the choir program, she has proven leadership. Alex works diligently to serve the students of Glenn Choir and gives her best to every aspect of the program.”
For finding her voice, let’s celebrate #1LISD Fine Arts Student of the Week Alexandra Nuez!