You won’t hear much from Leander ISD Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student of the Week Carter Wanees. That’s because he’s too busy getting things done!
Carter attends Leander High School where he is taking electrical technology. Considered a school teacher’s ideal student, there’s not enough time in the day to talk about how fantastic he is. The senior consistently does what’s asked of him. At the same time, Carter keeps his electrical technology teacher Ronny Williams on his toes! He completes all of his assignments so much faster than the rest of his class that Williams has to meet the challenge of having something more for him to work on!
Even though it is early in the school year as well as the SkillsUSA competition season, Carter is already working on his SkillsUSA project that he will showcase at the district contest in late January. Williams expects a high enough score that Carter will qualify for the State contest in late March.
“An old soul, Carter is one of the brightest students that I have ever taught!” Williams said. “Unlike most students who would prefer to either play on their phones or just sit and do nothing after completing their assignment for the day, Carter’s response is always, ‘What do you want me to do next coach?’”
For that “Go, get ‘em” attitude, we’re rooting for #1LISD CTE Student of the Week Carter Wanees!