As we continue to follow all the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and recommendations regarding COVID-19, we want to share with you an update on our action steps.
There are no cases or suspected cases within the district. For a comprehensive list of resources and answers, please visit our COVID-19 webpage.
Families Traveling During Spring Break
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is continuing to enforce travel restrictions. We encourage all student and staff families to adhere to these guidelines.
Student Travel Restrictions
In-State Travel
We are monitoring and reviewing our in-state, student and staff travel for the Spring. We will be reviewing and possibly limiting travel on a case-by-case basis as new information becomes available from our public health partners.
Out of State
We are canceling all out-of-state travel effective immediately until further notice. Refunds for booked travel are contingent upon cancellation policies of contracted, third-party vendors, not Leander ISD.
We are not approving international travel for student groups. We know there are some outside groups made up primarily of our students. We are working with those groups to ensure they continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for travel.
Distance Learning
Closure decisions are determined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and public health departments.
Leander ISD remains committed to providing learning experiences that extend outside of our physical classrooms. We have access to platforms and technical infrastructure to deploy learning experiences in the case of a prolonged closure.
We know every student and every teacher will need different solutions and tools to support learning during a school closure.
We are considering multiple scenarios for distance learning for every child. We will share details if the state or a public health agency asks us to close, sharing details directly with parents, students, teachers, and staff through email, automated phone calls, and text messages.
For our teachers and employees, we need you to bring your laptops home over the break, if you have a work device. We are expecting Monday, March 23 to be a professional development day, as scheduled.
Please check your email during Spring Break for updates.
Spring Break Cleaning
We are blessed to have dedicated custodians working throughout spring break to clean and disinfect our classrooms, schools, and buses. They will continue to adhere to all guidelines for proper cleaning set forth by public health agencies.