Vale Andrews and Andre Hebert, seventh graders at Henry Middle School, are mxINCedu participants and the Leander ISD Career and Technical Education (CTE) Students of the Week.
In mxINCedu, middle school students work in teams to identify a problem to solve, create a product concept, pitch the idea and iterate based on market learning within the e-commerce selling experience. Local volunteers from the business community mentor and support this real-world learning experience.
Vale and Andre showed up to the school year with several blueprints and prototypes for products they already had in mind to develop. According to their HMS entrepreneurship teacher Anika Faglie, they regularly contribute in class discussions and consistently help their group reach new heights.
“Vale and Andre are eager to learn and passionate about their ideas, already sharing several blueprints for potential products with the class,” Faglie said. “I look forward to watching them thrive as they continue building their business this year.”