Natalie Weber is an ambitious student journalist and Leander ISD’s CTE Student of the Week.
Natalie is a senior at Vandegrift High School and was recently named the editor of the Vandegrift Veteran yearbook. Before this year, she spent two years on staff and writing for VHS’s student newspaper, The Voice.
“Natalie has so much knowledge and experience in journalism and publications,” VHS Yearbook Teacher Jessica Stamp said. “It’s really fulfilling to see her now take on leading the yearbook staff and making sure they are prepared from the first day of school to capture student life on a week-to-week basis for the whole school year.”
In June, Natalie attended the Interscholastic League Press Conference publications workshop, hosted by the University of Texas, where she learned more about editorial leadership and theme development. She brought that knowledge back to VHS, hosting a mini photography workshop with her co-editors for the upcoming staff the week before school started.