This is an ongoing issue and response by Leander ISD. As we continue to get new information and make new decisions, the content of this article may be outdated. Please visit our COVID-19 webpage for the most up-to-date news and announcements.
2020 Graduation Dates and Possible Scenarios
Our hearts go out to the class of 2020 and their families, who have watched cherished traditions altered or canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Our students’ safety and health is our top priority. After consultation with students and families at all six high schools and guidance from our public health partners, we are moving 2020 graduation ceremonies to July 9–11 at the HEB Center. We feel this plan gives our graduates the best shot at a normal ceremony while giving our schools flexibility to meet the standards set by our local, state, and national public health experts.
Thank you to our high school principals and school families for researching every available option, providing ideas, leading discussions, and developing a plan to best serve students and families during this historic health crisis.
Thursday, July 9
9 a.m. – noon CPHS
1 – 4:00 p.m. VHS
Friday, July 10
9 a.m. – noon LHS
1 – 4:00 p.m. RHS
Saturday, July 11
9 a.m. – noon VRHS
1 – 4:00 p.m. GHS
New Hope High School will have a virtual graduation and graduates will walk with their traditional school in July.
The graduation ceremony will follow one of the following three scenarios, each of which allows for a different celebration based on guidance from health officials, logistics and our ability to produce both an in-person and virtual experience. We will communicate to families the chosen scenario no later than June 19.
Scenario 1: Full ceremony
– Traditional ceremony
– Full audience
– Live stream
Scenario 2: Limited seating with full ceremony
– Provide all elements of ceremony
– Set number of tickets and guests
– Audience seated according to social distancing guidelines
– Live stream
Scenario 3: In-person experience for seniors recorded for full virtual experience
– Shortened ceremony with pre-recorded speeches
– No audience, though parents may watch their senior receive diploma
– All footage captured and produced for post-ceremony video
We love our students and want nothing more than for our seniors to be together as a class as their journey with us comes to a close. The Class of 2020 will be historic in so many ways, and we salute our seniors’ resolve, resiliency, and loyalty during these challenging times.
Path to Assessment and Graduation 2020
As students and parents look toward the close of the 2019–20 school year in late May, we want to provide information related to course credit, graduation requirements, state assessment and summer school. Please visit our support site for complete information by grade level. Questions may be directed to your child’s teacher and/or counselor.
Student Materials Pick-up/Drop-off is May 18–22
As we prepare for the end of the 2019–20 school year, we understand students have materials at campuses they need to pick up, and may have items they need to return. As each campus is unique, principals will be creating ways this can be done May 18-22 while strictly following health and safety protocols. At no time will students or parents be allowed to enter a school building. Medicine distribution will continue to be coordinated by the campus nurse. Please be on the lookout for communications from your campus or visit our support site for more information on pick-up procedures.
mLISD and Student Device End-of-the-Year information
The payment window is now open for families to secure their secondary students’ district-provided laptops for the upcoming 2020–21 school year. The cost is $70 for the entire year or $35 for students receiving free or reduced lunch.
Newly participating students in grades 6–11 will be issued devices by appointment only through the end of May. Once a payment or scholarship is received, the parent will be contacted by the campus technologist to schedule an appointment. Elementary families may continue to request devices on an individual basis by contacting the LISD Help Desk at 512-570-0556 until the end of May.
All students (including elementary students) with devices currently checked out will keep their devices and bring them to their campuses once on-campus instruction continues for the 2020–21 school year. Students moving to a new LISD campus will also take their device with them.
Students entering sixth grade will be issued devices at the beginning of the 2020–21 school year or when instruction returns to campuses.
LISD understands that secondary families may not be able to pay the mLISD non-refundable security deposit at this time. As stated above, students who have not paid for the upcoming school year will still keep their devices over the summer until they return to campus.
Many of our students need help paying the yearly deposit. Please consider donating to help other children participate in the mLISD program. For more information, including payment methods, scholarship information and procedures for graduating seniors and students withdrawing from LISD, please visit our mLISD site.