District to welcome all students choosing in-person learning, virtual learning continues for students who wish to stay virtual
We are incredibly fortunate for the continued efforts by our teachers, staff, students, and parents as we complete our four-week phase-in for in-person learning. Any student who has selected the in-person option for school can return Oct. 5 (please check your school website and communication for details on how and when to change your preference). We continue to be committed to providing a high-quality Virtual Empowered Learning experience. Thank you to our families who have chosen virtual learning, as this allows us to best manage physical space in our schools.
So we can stay open and serving kids, we continue to ask our students and families to:
- Keep students who are sick home from school. Please use the daily symptom screener.
- Wash hands throughout the day.
- Wear masks or facial coverings that prevent droplets.
- Maintain physical distancing as best as possible and continue social interactions for mental wellness.
As students settle into their learning environments, we are seeing robust and innovative ways teachers are reaching students through each platform while maintaining the level of excellence parents expect.

While school looks and feels different, learning is happening. Routines are starting. Relationships are building. So, why not tell a friend? If you know someone who chose other options for their child’s education, let them know #LISDishappening. For information on re-registration, contact your campus registrar.
Leander ISD Athletic Events
Due to COVID-19 and UIL restrictions, we will have limited capacities in each of our athletic venues until further notice. You can find all the details regarding LISD athletic events and spectator guidelines on our Athletics webpage.
Here are some key reminders:
- Because we do have to follow capacity restrictions, out of courtesy for other patrons, we are asking spectators to leave at the conclusion of the contest. Doing so will open seats for parents of the next game.
- Spectators are expected to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms before attending an athletic event. Anyone answering “YES” to any of the symptoms, must not attend the athletic event.
- Spectators are required to wear a facial covering at all venues and at all times.
- Spectators are expected to maintain social distance from other family groups at all times.
- You will notice blue X’s on the bleacher seats in gyms and stadiums. Do NOT sit on the blue X’s. Sit on the spots where there is not an X. This will help with social distancing.
Child Nutrition Services Wants to “Power Your Plate”
We know parents are running on empty, out of ideas, and for a drive-thru. We can help you “Power Your Plate, ” with a healthy, affordable, and quality breakfast and lunch available through mobile ordering. Watch this video to learn more:
Free or Reduced Price Meal Applications Available to All LISD Families
We understand that times are tough for everyone right now. Did you know that you have the option to apply for free or reduced price breakfast and lunch for your child? These meal benefits are available to any family that meets the income criteria, is a foster child, or receives SNAP or TANF, and can be a much-needed help during these challenging times.
Besides providing your child with balanced, nutritious meals at breakfast and lunch, if your child qualifies for free or reduced meals they are also eligible for other great benefits!
- Is your child taking an Advanced Placement (AP) course and exam this year? AP test price will be $74 this spring. Students who are eligible for free or reduced meals receive a drastic price reduction on AP tests, paying only $20.
- Is your child a junior or senior? You can receive waivers for free NCAA and college applications as well as free ACT and SAT tests for your child if they qualify for free or reduced meals.
- Do you plan to rent a computer from LISD? Students who qualify for free or reduced meals receive a 50% discount on district devices, paying only $35 instead of $70. (*This benefit is not retroactive.)
Apply online now by simply clicking this link and completing the application.
If you have any questions, please contact Child Nutrition Services at 512-570-0670.
Bus Routes in TransFinder
Bus route information for eligible 2020–21 bus transportation is now available in TransFinder. Please check this site routinely over the first few weeks of school for routing updates.
The Transportation Department is using the Remind platform to communicate delay notifications and other important updates. Bus riders and their guardians have been added to a Remind “class” for their assigned bus route. More info
YMCA After-School Care Welcomes All In-Person Learners
YMCA after-school care will allow all in-person learners to begin when they return to campus. This program will be offered at their home campuses.
The YMCA will provide care for PreK-5 grade for those campuses with PreK students. YMCA care will be available for K-5 students at all other campuses.
The on-campus Y Afterschool program provides kids with supervised fun as soon as the school bell rings until 6:30 p.m. They offer enrichments, crafts, snacks, STEM activities, and more! For more information, or to register online, visit www.ymcagwc.org.
Board Briefs
The LISD Board of Trustees met twice this month to recognize some outstanding students and discuss, among other things:
- District goals and core beliefs
- The next round of Elementary School zoning
- A revised Board meeting schedule and format
Read all about in Board Briefs from the Sept. 17 meeting and the Sept. 24 meeting. To receive Board Briefs through Remind, please join the @LISDbriefs class for direct communication or text @LISDbriefs to 81010.
Have you ever wondered what exactly LEEF is or does for LISD? Well, check out this short video and it will fill you in!
The time is now to join the LEEF Classroom Impact Team
LEEF community partner, M Robinson Fine Jewelers, is donating a men’s or women’s Tocatta two-tone, stainless steel watch to one LEEF monthly donor who signs up by October 13th. Help us spread the news to put $1,000,000 back into LISD classrooms. More Info. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Help your campus win a cash prize!
Classroom Impact Team members who sign up using the monthly donation form from September 21st through October 31st and enter their school name, will count for the competition AND receive an email to earn your FREE official LEEF Classroom Impact Team t-shirt! BONUS: if you sign up by October 13th, you will be entered into a drawing for a men’s or women’s Tocatta two-tone, stainless steel watch, donated by M Robinson Fine Jewelers.
The campus cash prizes will be calculated by dividing the number of new individual monthly donors by students on your campus, so every campus has an opportunity to enhance their learning environment.
LEEF Book Drive begins tomorrow!
LEEF collects thousands of new and gently used books throughout the year to distribute to LISD students and families. You can help fill our bookshelves through the LEEF Book Drive with Usborne Books & More! More info
Not receiving messages sent through Remind? Follow these steps:
- Log into Remind using the same email address on file in Home Access Center.
- Once logged in, click on your name in the top left corner, and select Account Settings and then Notification Preferences.
- By default, your email address and the phone number on file in Home Access Center should both be listed.
- On this page, you can select which method(s) you’d like to receive messages on. More Info
Not seeing your cell phone on your profile?
A phone number can only be listed on one Remind profile at a time, so it’s possible your phone number is already linked to a Remind account with an email address different from the one listed in HAC. If you’d like to merge these two profiles together, select “Add Device” on the Notifications Preferences page and follow the confirmation prompts from Remind. More Info
Help needed in special education: Apply to be a substitute teacher
Help Leander ISD and our commitment to serving all students by applying to be a substitute teacher in special education. Hear our special programs staff speak about the importance of substitute teachers in our program. Click here to apply for our special education substitute teacher positions.
Sharing is Caring
Do you know a family who may have just moved to the area or one who is interested in enrolling in Leander ISD? If so, feel free to share what our students have been up to:
- re-connecting and engaging with peers and teachers
- engaging in group activities with multiple perspectives in a collaborative culture
- returning to a familiar routine and schedule
- accessing a guaranteed and viable curriculum
- assessing and owning their learning
- seeking support from our special programs professionals