Fourth grader Alexander β€œAlex” Ibarra at Block House Creek Elementary is the Leander ISD Super Kid of the Week.

According to Alex’s teacher, Jennifer Turquette, Alex is a caring and supportive younger brother and classmate. He is eager to help others in any way that he can, and no matter how easy or hard a task is, he puts his all into everything he does. 

β€œAlex is an amazing student! He tries his best in all he does, even when it’s something that is difficult for him,” Turquette said. β€œHe always has a smile or compliment for others. Alex is a joy to spend the day with at school!”

Alex loves to sing and is a member of the Block House Creek Show Choir. He plays baseball and is a member of a Lego building club that meets weekly. He also collects PokΓ©mon cards.