The 2021 Lone Star Company Navy JROTC Annual Inspection took place on Wednesday, Oct. 20. Students from Vista Ridge and Rouse High Schools demonstrated knowledge, took part in a formal inspection, marched and wowed LISD Board members, staff and families with their techniques during drill and in the Pass in Review ceremony. “The students’ discipline, attention to detail and ability to work together in sync was absolutely amazing,” said Board of Trustees member Anna Smith. “This was my first opportunity to attend the annual military inspection and I was in awe of their entire performance. I am so proud of them.”
The annual military inspection (AMI) is an opportunity for cadets of the Lone Star Company to demonstrate their pride and professionalism. “I am proud of their effort and performance,” said Navy Commander Rick Hamblet, Senior JROTC Naval Science. “The weeks of preparation, loyalty and dedication were proudly on display.”
To view or download images from the event, please click here.