Home Access Center is the system our district uses for parents and students to check grades
and attendance. This is where you will be able to see your student’s Report Cards and
Progress Reports. Students will see their schedule, instructor name and building/classroom
number in their account.

Please follow these steps to set up your account.

  1. From a home computer or laptop, click on the following link:
  2. Parents, type in your email address, that we have on file, as your username.
  3. If you haven’t already set up an account, type in Rangers2021 as your temporary password. Note that
    it is case sensitive. Student school email is below, along with the Student ID.
  4. Click β€œLogin.” You will then be taken to another page where you will need to choose a new password
    and create a security question.
  5. Click β€œContinue to Home Access Center”

    STUDENT EMAIL: [email protected] *XX= last two numbers of your student ID
    STUDENTS: From a laptop or computer go to, add your school email address. This will be your
    username. Password is student’s birth year, month and day (xxxxxxxx). Here you’ll connect with teachers and
    get Zoom class codes and Google Classroom assignments.

    Need a password reset? Contact [email protected] (512) 570-1854.
    Tip: Try switching browsers. Sometimes the HAC doesn’t work well with Google Chrome.