With compassion contributing to her creativity and character, Leander ISD is recognizing Fine Arts Student of the Week Megan Morris!
The sixth-grader joined Danielson Middle School‘s Kreative Kats Art Club. Keeping goal-setting and dedication in mind, Megan is intentional with her art and inclusivity. She values each member and leads by example with kindness.
“Megan tosses kindness like confetti,” Danielson MS art teacher Kayla Sedlack said. “Her artwork mesmerizes, filled with softness and texture. I admire Megan’s willingness to apply constructive art criticism from peers and teachers, proven to help her grow as an artist. Not only is Megan developing her art, but she also is becoming a leader, too. Undoubtedly, it’s been a joy to watch!”
We’re tossing confetti for Megan Morris, Leander ISD’s Fine Arts Student of the Week!