Fifth grader Lily Franco at Camacho Elementary School is the Leander ISD Fine Arts Student of the Week.
Lily is an incredible student who has a passion for art and is able to think about it on a high level. She is a member of the Milky Way Crusaders, a group of fifth graders that are in charge of putting up and taking down artwork in the “Milky Way” hallway, doing special projects for bulletin boards and serving as art leaders that volunteer their time to make Camacho a beautiful place.
“Lily is a wonderful and thoughtful artist and student. She excels in creativity both inside and outside of the classroom,” Camacho Art Teacher Loni Meyers said. “Her passion for art and sharing her love is infectious. Can’t wait to see what she creates next!”
When Lily isn’t in the art room, she can be found volunteering around the school and within her community.