Leander ISD Superintendent Dan Troxell, Ph.D., announced Charles “Charlie” Rodriguez as the new principal of Cox Elementary School on Friday, July 20.

 “Mr. Rodriguez is an energetic and passionate leader who creates collaborative learning environments that support all students,” Troxell said. “He has a strong belief in supporting achievement for all by creating and maintaining partnerships with teachers, parents and community members.  We are confident he will further the culture of success at Cox Elementary and work with the community to provide all students with an outstanding educational setting.”

Rodriguez began his full-time teaching career in 2005 as an elementary teacher in Keller ISD, later serving as a summer school principal and assistant principal in the same district. He is currently the principal of A.V. Cato Elementary School in Castleberry ISD.

 “It’s my pleasure and honor to serve the families and the community of Cox Elementary,” Rodriguez said. “Cox Elementary is an amazing school with strong family support and community involvement. I look forward to continuing this wonderful partnership with families, students, teachers, staff and the community. This will be a great year and I can’t wait to meet everyone.”

Rodriguez earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Texas Wesleyan University.