The Board of Trustees reviewed updates on the mLISD program, the proposed 2018–19 budget and ongoing construction at its July 19 meeting.
District’s mLISD program continues to flourish
A review of the mLISD program highlighted the remarkable growth and success of the instructional technology initiative. Participation levels are high, with 96 percent of district students utilizing the program and its devices. The passage of the November 2017 Bond will allow mLISD to continue to flourish, deploying new devices by way of the more $16 million allotted for the program.
Nearly 18,000 students use mLISD devices and, remarkably, less than one percent of those devices were lost or stolen last school year. In addition, less than 2.5 percent of the devices needed repair. In 2015, the district launched the mLISD initiative aimed at providing equity and access to student devices at the secondary level.
Board sets tax rate hearing 2018–19 budget comes into focus
With another year of projected growth ahead, the LISD Board reviewed the 2018–19 budget and indicated its preference to remain at the current M&O (“maintenance and operations” or general fund) tax rate of $1.04 per $100 valuation. A hearing has been set for the Aug. 2 board meeting (6:15 p.m. at the Support Services building) for public comment.
The projected enrollment for the 2018–19 school year is 39,755, which represents an increase of 987 students. The proposed general operating budget for 2018–19 represents a 3.44% increase over the fiscal year 2017/18 “revised projected” budget, and an increase of 0.88% in the per pupil expenditure. Major factors for the increase include the need for additional personnel due to the projected enrollment growth, the 2% pay increase for personnel, the increase in the employer contribution to healthcare and the increase in the major maintenance plan.
Construction continues at LISD’s three regional stadiums, new elementary school
LISD staff offered a construction update on various projects around the district, including the completion of new scoreboards at Gupton and A.C. Bible stadiums.
Three different projects going on at Monroe Stadium from three different funding sources. The scoreboard is a sponsor-supported project, the repaving of the track is part of major maintenance, and the bleacher expansion is supported with 2017 Bond dollars. Due to permitting delays with the City of Austin, only the home bleachers are expected to be ready by the start of football season. LISD will complete the visitor’s side for the 2019-2020 school year.
Major maintenance at Cedar Park High School includes renovations to the school’s locker room facilities over the next 12 months. Renovations to the school’s front entrance is slated to begin at the end of the upcoming school year.
Construction crews have broken ground on Elementary School #27 in the Larkspur subdivision. The target date for school staff to begin moving in is June 1, 2019.