Our Leander ISD Board of Trustees learned and led two nights this week, guiding the district updates of our vision and mission statements as we pursue a deeper learning instructional model.
At these links, you can review the March 9 meeting agenda and March 9 meeting video and the March 11 agenda and March 11 meeting video.
On Tuesday, March 9, our Board participated in a required “team of eight” training with the Superintendent before diving into work on developing a new vision statement. In 2017, the Board adopted the current vision statement: Engage, Inspire, Achieve for Lifelong Success.
Trustees identified their power words to describe the hopes and dreams for Leander ISD in the future.
Last night’s special meeting, March 11, started with interactive lessons straight from our classrooms to demonstrate a deeper learning instructional model. Trustees broke into groups to collaborate, engage and create with a lesson on bridge building and another on making connections between deeper learning and the strategic board work.
“As a governance team supporting a learning organization, our focus is on listening to our community, working with our staff, and supporting our teachers to make sure we provide high-quality learning for all students,” said Board President Trish Bode. “I want to thank our Trustees for their authenticity and sharing as we discussed crucial topics regarding our community’s hopes and dreams for our schools.”
During the discussion on instructional models, our training facilitators used a tool called a “parking lot” for Trustees to submit comments or questions for further clarification. This is a common learning tool for student and staff learning. You can view this Google document here.
After the interactive lessons, the Trustees shared and listened to each other, discussing what learning should look like in our classrooms.
Finally, the Board joined our senior leadership team to identify specific success stories in our schools to find words for our mission statement. While a vision statement focuses on what we want our organization to look like, the mission statement is about how we are going to get there.
As part of the exercise around creating a vision statement, the participants shared stories of students overcoming obstacles through support systems to achieve academic, social, and wellness goals.
The Board will resume its regular work on March 25.