January is School Board Recognition Month, and Leander ISD is celebrating its Trustees for their dedication and commitment to the district and its students.

β€œLISD is thriving because the board’s mission, vision, principles and goals are clear,” Superintendent Bruce Gearing said. β€œThey have made themselves available and attentive, which is refreshing in today’s climate.”

The theme of this year’s School Board Recognition Month is β€œForward, Together,” which highlights the collaboration among school leadership, teachers and parents on behalf of students. 

Dan Troxell, executive director of the Texas Association of School Boards and former LISD superintendent, applauded the efforts of Trustees in providing leadership and good governance.

β€œTexas school boards are critical to the success of students and the future of Texas,” Troxell said. β€œBoards lead their districts in the right direction, setting goals, and overseeing the budget. These volunteers serve for the betterment of their local schools and communities.”

Over the past year, the LISD Board of Trustees produced a wide range of accomplishments, including the prioritization of safety and security resources on campuses throughout the district, participation in many community events and the approval of a retention bonus for LISD staff. They also approved a compensation plan that provided pay increases for district staff, called Attendance Credit and Voter-Approval Tax Rate elections and worked on the Long Range Plan.

β€œThe Board has stepped up to support grassroots community engagement and demonstrated sound fiscal management with a clear focus on meeting the unique needs of all learners in the face of any challenge,” Gearing said.

The Board of Trustees creates the vision and goals for the district and selects the superintendent, who serves as the district’s chief executive officer. Together, the Board of Trustees and superintendent form Leander ISD’s β€œGovernance Team.”

β€œThe Trustees of Leander ISD continue to model character and integrity by leaning into student voice and choice,” Gearing said. β€œThey have found ways to have hard conversations and ultimately find a shared sense of vision and a path forward, which has made a huge difference in our district and community.”

Members of the LISD Board

Trish Bode – Leander ISD President, Place 1 (Term: Nov. 2022 – Nov. 2026)

Gloria Gonzales-Dholakia – Leander ISD Vice President, Place 2 (Term: Nov. 2022 – Nov. 2026)

Anna Smith – Leander ISD Secretary, Place 4 (Term: Nov. 2020 – Nov. 2024)

Christine Mauer – Leander ISD Board Member, Place 3 (Term: Nov. 2020 – Nov. 2024)

Sade Fashokun – Leander ISD Board Member, Place 5 (Term: Nov. 2022 – Nov. 2024)

Francesca Romans – Leander ISD Board Member, Place 6 (Term: Nov. 2022 – Nov. 2026)

Paul Gauthier – Leander ISD Board Member, Place 7 (Term: Nov. 2022 – Nov. 2026)

Learn more about school board service at tasb.org.