Now is the time to pick your favorite school calendar for Leander ISD

After a three-month effort to collect feedback on our next school year calendar, we launched a rank-order survey with three options for our entire community to complete. We will present this data and a recommendation to our school Board on Jan. 14, with the Board approving the calendar as early as Jan. 28. 

Review Your Choices

The three calendar options are: 

Components in All Calendars

We hosted a Thoughtexchange survey and listening sessions that identified the popular components to our calendar, which you’ll see in all three options:

  • Start the year in mid-August in the middle of the week.  
  • Include days off for one week at Thanksgiving, two weeks in December, and one week at Spring Break. 
  • End the school year in late May, preferably by Memorial Day.

Planning Time for Teachers During the School Year

Our community did not agree on providing additional planning and training time for teachers during the school year. The district considered early release days in one of the calendar options, similar to the emergency action we took this year to support teachers during COVID-19. Due to the state’s funding formula, we did not provide a plan that replaced early releases with whole days off for planning and training or move early release dates from Wednesday to Friday. 

The survey is open through Jan. 5. Please complete and share the link with our community.