Leander ISD’s Assistant Director of Career Development Jamie Everett has been named 2023 National Safety Educator of the Year by online safety training provider CareerSafe.

According to CareerSafe’s website, this award recognizes “exceptional educators who have dedicated their time to preparing students for the future and helping students recognize and mitigate workplace hazards in their chosen careers.” The organization cited Everett’s commitment to continual improvement and advocacy for student success and safety in CTE classrooms as reasons why she was selected for this year’s award.

“I can’t think of anybody more deserving of this award,” Vista Ridge High School Business Teacher Stephan George said in CareerSafe’s video about Everett. “I’ve watched [Everett] grow our district. She works hard in supporting us. She is diligent in maintaining continuity throughout our programs. She is involved in our community, and she definitely sees safety as important and an integral part of our program and what we do to protect our students.”

Everett has had a tremendous positive impact on LISD’s flourishing Career and Technical Education program. She has served for 15 years in education, and is currently in her eighth year as a district administrator for CTE in LISD. Her role impacts thousands of students in the classrooms of about 250 CTE teachers throughout the district.

“[Everett’s] support is amazing,” Rouse High School Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher Jodi Garner shared in CareerSafe’s video. “She not only cares for the students and the safety of the students, she also cares for the safety and comfort of her teachers.”

Everett said that it’s a blessing to come to work everyday to a job that she loves, advocate for CTE and do what she can to make an impact.

“I am honored and humbled to receive this recognition. It is a privilege to work with LISD CTE teachers and students across the district for collectiveΒ dedication and effort to keep safety a priority in our industry simulated learning environmentsΒ while teaching the needed industry technical and soft skills needed for post secondary success,” Everett said. “Thank you to CareerSafe for this honor and their continued efforts to ensure workplace safety education and training.”Β 

CareerSafe National School Educator of the Year 2023: Jamie Everett