LISD Super Kid Blake Harwood makes following values and principles so easy!
The Reed Elementary kindergartener embodies the loyalty and resilience their mascot roadrunners are known for. Participating in the school’s dual language program, Blake immediately made a positive impression.
“Blake shows integrity by doing what is right even when no one is looking,” Blake’s teacher Lela Dion said. “He is a leader at our Lighthouse School!”
Reed Elementary became certified as a Leader in Me Lighthouse school earlier this year. The designation recognizes high-achieving schools that show positive outcomes, rippling through students, staff, and beyond campus.
Blake has a creative bend that he uses to draw and build. He enjoys making puzzles and games. He shows commitment to a team through playing baseball.
“Blake exemplifies kindness at our school,” Reed Elementary principal Paige Collier said. “He truly goes above and beyond to help his classmates and his teacher. We are thankful for his kindness and leadership.”
For showing us how small packages have big hearts, it’s praise all day for LISD Super Kid Blake Harwood! Congratulations!