She has so many super powers, it’s hard to pick just one that makes London Marek this week’s LISD Super Kid!
London features so many of the 10 LISD Ethical Principles. The River Ridge Elementary third-grader shows Honesty with her peers and teachers, Loyal to her classmates. She goes out of her way to make sure her classmates feel included and important to our room. That also exemplifies London’s Concern and Respect for others. She often helps her peers with questions or completing a task when she sees someone struggling. After she finishes her work, she first asks people around her, as well as her teacher, if they need any help. She does all of this without being asked.
It takes a majority of these principles to know that you can count on someone. That’s why London’s teacher Tara Bradley chose Accountability above all else. She’s there when you need her and is always doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.
“London soars above and beyond in the classroom,” Bradley, River Ridge ES third grade, said. “She holds herself to a very high standard and strives to put her best foot forward.”
“Our classroom would not be the same without her, because she truly is a leader and role model to her peers. I can not express my gratitude for her enough. She is such a bright light for everyone she comes in contact with. I feel so lucky to be her teacher!”
You can see London’s accountability shine even outside the classroom. Currently involved in soccer and tennis, she’s also striving to join Student Council in the future; London is aspiring to take her leadership skills from her classroom to the rest of the school!
#RelentlessRattler defined! Let’s make some noise for LISD Super Kid London Marek!