Parkside Elementary School first-grader Avery Linscott showcases her agility and her pursuit of excellence as this week’s LISD Super Kid.

At a time when students are learning remotely, Avery works hard to stay connected to the classroom. Even if she’s confused on assignments, Avery gives her best effort and checks for understanding. She completes all assignments using Seesaw and is always excited to share what she’s doing at home.

β€œAvery’s family likes to make fun, silly videos on Instagram,” Parkside first-grade teacher Heather Moseley said. β€œThey are a ray of light during this difficult time.”

Avery’s can-do attitude and willingness to be flexible also comes in handy when she practices her favorite activity, gymnastics. Whether learning or playing, she’s ready to meet the challenge.

β€œAvery has a fun, bubbly side and a serious, shyer side. She knows when it is appropriate to bring out each side, making her a great role model to all!”

Congratulations, LISD Super Kid Avery Linscott!