We want to hear from our future Grizzlies! We will be hosting our first community meeting on Student Experience at 6 p.m. on March 2 for the Glenn High School feeder pattern, including:

  • Bagdad Elementary School;
  • Camacho Elementary School;
  • Glenn High School;
  • Larkspur Elementary School;
  • Leander Middle School;
  • Plain Elementary School;
  • Pleasant Hill Elementary School; and
  • Wiley Middle School.


The meeting will be in the cafeteria. Attendees can enter through the front doors. Parking will fill up quickly in the front visitor lot. Please feel free to also use the east parking lot near the baseball field and allow a little extra time for walking.


We are hosting these meetings to listen to our community. The only information we will be presenting will be about what we are doing and how we will continue this conversation.

You can expect to talk with members of your community about the hopes and dreams you have for students in our schools. Our goals are:

  1. To collect feedback on the hopes and dreams of our community for our students through a process that is accessible, inclusive, and transparent.
  2. To engage with as many people as possible across a variety of roles, including students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members.

The central question will be:

What are the most important things our schools should do for each and every student in LISD?

Attendees will divide into small, diverse groups to talk to each other before we capture feedback using ThoughtExchange.


In order to capture the conversation in the meeting and to give people who cannot attend the meeting an opportunity to participate, we are using a tool called ThoughtExchange, which you can access on a computer or mobile device.

We will help get you connected while we’re in the meeting. If you’d like, create a free ThoughtExchange account before the meeting. You are not required to create an account to participate.


We will have an ongoing conversation on Student Experience, including letting you know what we hear from our community members and what we’re going to do as a result of this feedback.

Here’s what you can expect:

March 2Glenn HS Community Meeting
March 3Invitation to Glenn HS community to participate in ThoughtExchange.
March 16ThoughtExchange closes at 11:59 p.m.
March 24Report from ThoughtExchange about what the Glenn HS community told us
April 3Report from ThoughtExchange about what the entire district community told us.
April 6Additional district-wide ThoughtExchange released for more feedback
June 10Superintendent Bruce Gearing, Ed.D. shares a final report as our State of the District.


Overall, the district is hosting six feeder-based community forums; the meeting schedule for each high school feeder pattern is: 

February 3Vista Ridge HS
February 10Leander HS
February 17Vandegrift HS
February 18Cedar Park HS
February 24Rouse HS
March 2Glenn HS