The Leander ISD Board of Trustees is reviewing elementary school attendance zones for the 2021–22 school year and the opening of Tarvin Elementary School. As part of the review, the Board is seeking insight from the community about the considerations for changes to current boundaries. Considerations (the core values for a zoning change) typically include, but are not limited to:
- maintaining feeder patterns;
- relieving overcrowded schools;
- balancing enrollments; or
- minimizing changes for students.
This community feedback will guide the creation of a project charter, identifying the core values to be used throughout the zoning process.
The survey question is:
What are considerations important to you for Leander ISD to include in a charter used to create and adopt new elementary school attendance zones for the 2021–2022 school year? | Click here to voice your opinion.
The submission window will close Tuesday, Feb. 11. For more information about the Leander ISD attendance zoning process, please visit