District administration detailed its plans to begin preparing elementary attendance zones in preparation for the opening of Nancy Tarvin Elementary School in 2021–22. In order to give potentially affected families time to prepare for elementary zone changes, the planning will commence in October after receiving the 2020 demographic update from Population and Survey Analysts.
“We have heard loud and clear that the priorities for our community in this process are keeping our elementary schools at a reasonable size and keeping neighborhoods together,” Board President Trish Bode said. “As a fast-growth district, we know these zoning boundary changes will continue, but those guidelines will help us do that in keeping with what matters most to our families.”
In February 2020, the Board of Trustees approved the Attendance Zoning Charter to be used for the development of proposed elementary attendance zones. In March, staff published its first scenario to the community and opened a ThoughtExchange survey for feedback. The survey was set to close at the end of Spring Break and staff would prepare to publish its next scenario. Due to the COVID-19 shutdown and subsequent challenges of preparing for the current school year, the process was placed on hold.