Just a kid in the herd, Leander ISD Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student of the Week Brealyn Hill exhibits greatness wherever she goes!
Even as a freshman at Rouse High School, Brealyn has shown outstanding work in FFA (Future Farmers of America). Currently, she’s taking Principles of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. At district competition, she placed seventh in Greenhand Creed Speaking and third place with her team in Greenhand Quiz. In presentation, Braelyn has shown shows lambs at the Williamson Couty Livestock Association (WCLA) show and in the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo.
“Brealyn shows hard work and dedication inside and outside the classroom,” Rouse High School Agriculture Science Teacher Stephanie McGilvray said. “She works hard in every aspect of FFA, showcasing leadership skills, dedication and compassion!”
Not only is she making a mark in FFA, Brealyn is an outstanding student-athlete. She made the RHS varsity softball team and was a key member of the JV basketball team!
For being a tremendous asset in each and every thing, Congratulations Braelyn Hill–#1LISD CTE Student of the Week!