Students at Cox Elementary School participated in the school’s annual Fun(d) Run Friday, Oct. 7, 2016, taking to a quarter-mile course filled with different obstacles and raising money in the process with every lap completed.
Proceeds from the annual run go to help fund technology, to help maintain the school’s track around the playground, toward other playground equipment, toward tutors and books for the literacy library, and toward other school needs.
First up in the Fun(d) Run: sprinting out of the Vista Ridge Ranger inflatable tunnel. Through a set of sprinklers the students went before maneuvering around a set of hula-hoops laid out on the ground. Later, students went under a limbo station and tumbled across a set of pads before completing each lap.
To help keep the run a success year in and year out, Cox ES relies on the support of its parent volunteers.

“We need volunteer support at every event we have at school,” Cox ES Principal Sheri Hawthorn said. “The great thing about this area is our volunteers are not just parents of the students. Our volunteers come from around the community, including support from our feeder schools.
“For this particular event, volunteers are needed especially in the area of setting up and breaking down the obstacles, and assisting by supervising at each obstacle to monitor for safety,” she added. “After that, the staff and students take over and the parents are free to cheer on the athletes as the take on the challenge of the course!”
Bruce Fowler, a parent volunteer with a second-grader at Cox ES, was on hand to help out.
“Between this and all of the different activities they do here – this, the Winter Wonderland, the carnivals and everything else — it’s a great school,” he said.
Fowler said he’s thankful to be able support such a special school.
“It’s the people, it’s the teachers, it’s the admin,” he said. “Everyone is just more than willing to help. It’s a good community.”
For Cox ES, this is their third year holding the Fun(d) Run, a fundraiser that took the place of selling cookie dough.
By having the run during the school day, all students participate, whether or not they raise funds,” Hawthorn said. “In addition, it is healthy and promotes an active lifestyle. Plus, all funds remain at Cox. The only expense is for the bouncy obstacle course at the end of the race and for a few prizes.”
Funds from this year’s run are still being collected, but in each of the two previous years, funds from the Fun(d) Run topped $15,000.
As added incentive, students who raised more than $20 will get the chance to throw pies at Hawthorn, Assistant Principal Dawn Wright and some of the students’ favorite teachers.