To help us plan and prepare for Board of Trustees meetings, the Board approved an updated sign-up process to speak during Citizen Comments beginning Nov. 18. Meetings that start at our regular time of 6:15 p.m. will have a sign-up window between noon the day prior to the meeting and noon the day of the meeting.
- Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees may do so in-person at the meeting location noted on the agenda.
- In order to address the Board, individuals must sign up online between noon the day prior to the meeting and noon the day of the meeting.
- Citizens who need special accommodations or assistance with sign-up should contact the office of the Superintendent (512-570-0000) during regular business hours.
- After the sign-up deadline, speakers will be notified via email of their speaking order and the amount of time they will have to address the Board.
- Current LISD students will be placed at the top of the speaking order during Citizen Comment.
- When more than 30 speakers are signed up to speak, the individual time allotment is reduced to 1.5 minutes.