From Leander ISD to across the country, we’re celebrating school psychologists! In Texas, they’re called Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LSSPs). National School Psychology Week is happening November 9–13, 2020.

In Leander ISD, we have more than 45 LSSPs who work in a variety of roles across the Special Programs department. As members of school staff, LSSPs support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. Their expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.

Among an LSSPs’ work includes:

  • direct support to students, including individualized learning and behavioral assessments to identify students’ strengths and needs, academic and behavioral interventions, counseling, and social skills training, and
  • consultation with teachers, families, and other educators to improve support strategies and school-wide practices and policies.

This year’s National School Psychology Week theme is β€œPower of Possibility.” The word β€œpossibility” implies hope, growth, resilience and renewal. Possibility suggests that even something as small as a seed can grow into something magnificent.

β€œI have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect great wonders.”

Henry David Thoreau

The word β€œpower” implies that things can and will happen. When we focus on what is possible, we have hope that students will grow, thrive and bloom and will be empowered to take the action steps necessary to do so.

For more information about school psychologists, please visit or contact Leander ISD Lead LSSP Mary Beth Pinnell.