Voters approved proposition B funding $33.3 million to replace technology devices but voted against propositions A and C to fund new construction, renovations, and technology infrastructure projects, according to unofficial Nov. 2 election results

โ€œGrowth continues across Leander ISD,โ€ Superintendent Bruce Gearing, Ed.D. said. โ€œWe have to re-engage our community to determine our next steps for supporting more students and taking care of our existing schools. As a public institution, we serve at the direction of our community.โ€ 

New home construction and new student enrollment continue to drive the need for new schools. The district’s demographer reported in Fall 2020 a need for nine new schools to serve 12,400 new students in the next 10 years. The district has 13 schools with roofing, HVAC, and other major systems scheduled for replacement in the next three years. 

The next steps to fund essential projects could include: 

  • using fund balance (the districtโ€™s savings account), 
  • reallocating operational budget (currently used predominantly for staffing), 
  • redrawing attendance zones to balance enrollments, 
  • utilizing portable classrooms and buildings, or 
  • calling another bond election. 

With proposition B passing, the district has a funded plan to replace laptops, tablets, printers, and other technology devices used by students and staff once they reach the end of their replacement cycle. The proposition also funded the replacement of projectors with interactive television panels, but the necessary classroom renovation to install the new technology existed in the rejected proposition A.

Proposition A would have funded the construction of five new schools, starting with Elementary School #30 in 2023. There were capital renewal and renovation projects at 13 schools, new playgrounds, technology infrastructure updates and instrument replacements for high school bands. 

Proposition C would have funded replacement lighting and sound equipment in high school auditoriums, in addition to capital renewal projects at the Don Tew and South performing arts centers. 

โ€œThank you to our voters for participating in our election and letting your voices be heard,โ€ Board of Trustees President Trish Bode said. โ€œWe represent a broad, expanding, and passionate community. We appreciate your participation and look forward to continuing to connect with our families so we can meet the individual needs of each and every student.โ€ 

Unofficial Voting Totals By County

County: Prop A, Prop B, Prop C

Travis County: For 3,395 (47.8%) – Against 3,709 (52.2%), For 3,573 (50.3%) – Against 3,526 (49.7%), For 3,306 (46.7%) – Against 3,776 (53.3%)

Williamson County: For 6,476 (50.4%) – Against 6,377 (49.6%), For 6,810 (53.0%) – Against 6,052 (47.0%), For 6,276 (48.9%) – Against 6,571 (51.2%)

Total: For 9,871 (49.5%) – Against 10,086 (50.5%), For 10,383 (52.0%) – Against 9,578 (48%), For 9,582 (48.1%) – Against 10,347 (51.9%)

For / AgainstProposition AProposition BProposition C
Travis County3,395 (47.8%) / 3,709 (52.2%)3,573 (50.3%) / 3,526 (49.7%)3,306 (46.7%) / 3,776 (53.3%)
Williamson County6,476 (50.4%) / 6,377 (49.6%)6,810 (53%) / 6,052 (47%)6,276 (48.9%) / 6,571 (51.2%)
Total9,871 (49.5%) / 10,086 (50.5%)10,383 (52.0%) / 9,578 (48%)9,582 (48.1%) / 10,347 (51.9%)

District to Canvass Vote Totals on November 15

The results are unofficial until the Board of Trustees canvasses the final vote totals provided by the counties for a Nov. 15 special meeting.