The Board of Trustees explored academic calendar options for upcoming school years and considered middle school attendance rezoning parameters at its Jan. 10 meeting.
To review the entire agenda, please click here.
Academic calendars for upcoming school years continue to take shape
Following an extensive effort to collect community feedback – resulting in nearly 5,000 survey responses – the drafts of the Leander ISD academic calendar for 2019–20 and 2020–21 are coming into focus.
The 2019–20 calendar, which the Board could formally approve at its Jan. 24 meeting, includes the following features:
- mid-August start date with a short first week;
- the last day at the end of May;
- more balanced semesters;
- professional learning during the school year; and
- a Spring Break that aligns with the University of Texas at Austin.
Board considers attendance rezoning options for LISD middle schools
With the opening of Danielson Middle School set for 2020, Leander ISD is beginning the attendance zone – also known as boundary adjustment – process.
The Board directed the administration to collect feedback regarding the characteristics and scope of the forthcoming change. LISD will present that feedback at the Jan. 24 Board meeting.
The attendance zoning process includes several steps designed to maximize community involvement. The rezoning process will go on for the next several months, with the final board review and action possible in early May.
LISD staff will solicit feedback from the community to determine priorities during the process, convey that feedback to the board, then develop scenarios for Board consideration.
Once the Board finalizes its recommendation, LISD staff will host public forums and collect feedback electronically for that scenario. When the staff presents the feedback, the recommendation could change before a final version is reviewed and adopted by the Board.