The Board of Trustees reviewed budget options for 2018–19, approved meal prices and a food service provider, and reshuffled its leadership at its June 21 and June 25 meetings.
To review the agendas, please see the following links: June 21 and June 25.
Board reviews 2018–19 budget update
At the last Board meeting, action was taken in regards to the staff pay raises, employer insurance contribution and capital outlay for the 2018–19 fiscal year.
LISD administration is now in the process of ranking various personnel and non-personnel requests as it works to advise the Board on the best use of the remaining funds, with a focus on ensuring their sustainability given a huge unknown as to the future of the school finance system.
Meal prices, district food service contract approved
The LISD Board awarded the district’s Food Service Management Contract to Southwest Foodservice Excellence and approved a 10-cent increase in meal prices. This is the second recommended price increase for breakfast since 2002. These increases are the result of the 2.50 percent Consumer Price Index increase on food products affecting expenditures for the 2018-19 school year.
Three food service firms submitted a proposal prior to the deadline: Chartwells, Sodexo, and SFE. A team of seven evaluators scored each and selected SFE as the winning bid.
Board reshuffles leadership for 2018–19
The LISD Board elected new leadership for the upcoming year. Aaron Johnson will serve as President; Grace S. Barber-Jordan, M.Ed., as Vice President; and Trish Bode as Secretary. Outgoing officers were President Pamela Waggoner, Vice President Will Streit and Secretary Don Hisle.
Officers are be elected by majority vote of the members present and voting. Board officers shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor is elected. Each officer shall perform any legal duties of the office and other duties as required by action of the Board.