During its Sept. 8 meeting, the Leander ISD Board of Trustees:

  • Approved Additional COVID-19 Leave for Staff
  • Reviewed the 2021-22 State and Community-Based Accountability System Reports
  • Received the LISD Council of PTA’s “State of the Council” 2022 Annual Report

View the entire agenda. Watch the livestream video.

With Health and Safety in Mind, Board Approves Additional COVID-19 Leave for Staff

The Board of Trustees approved the adoption of five-day COVID-19 extended leave for all employees, as well as Teacher Fellows, retroactively from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. 

โ€œWe are pleased that the Board approved this extended COVID leave for our employees at Leander ISD,โ€ said LISD Superintendent Bruce Gearing, Ed.D. โ€œThis affords our staff the ability to safely recover without causing a major disruption to their leave balance or income.โ€

2021-22 State and Community-Based Accountability System Report Released

During the review of the State Accountability System Report, we learned that Leander ISD has secured an 89 out of 100 rating (B) which is in line with the years preceding the pandemic. That rating is composed of three components, also known as domain scores: student achievement, school progress and closing gaps. 

To learn more about the state accountability ratings for Leander ISD and every district in the state of Texas, visit txschools.gov

In addition to the State Accountability System Report, our Board of Trustees reviewed our local Community-Based Accountability System Report. The district strives to provide meaningful learning experiences, not only in academics, but in extracurricular activities as well, further promoting the districtโ€™s Graduate Profile. Each of these areas were discussed during the presentation as they received updates on academic testing and the percentage of students involved in Career Technical Education (CTE) courses, fine arts and athletics. 

โ€œIn general, our students and parents believe that the students are skilled communicators, they are equipped to be critical thinkers, compassionate community contributors, and are adaptive and reflective as individuals,โ€ explained Chief Academic Officer Matt Bentz, Ed.D. 

LISD Council of PTA’s Shares “State of the Council” 2022 Annual Report

Leander ISD Council of PTAโ€™s President provided its State of the Council Annual Report for 2022. Items included: 

  • Appreciation for the PTA Board which gave 67,000 hours towards volunteering for the variety of campus activities.
  • School of Excellence Award 
  • Supply Locker
  • PTA Clothes Closet
  • Open Board Positions
  • Encouraged anyone who is interested in joining the PTA to do so. 

โ€œIt is so exciting to hear how amazing the PTA is doing; 67 thousand hours of volunteer work given by just your council is so impressive,โ€ said LISD Board President Trish Bode. โ€œOur kids, the campus and the community benefit from all of the work of our PTA members who do so much. We truly appreciate you.โ€ 

Leander ISD Welcomes New Chief Financial Officer and Principal of Cypress Elementary

The Leander ISD Board of Trustees approved the hiring of Pete Pape for the position of Chief Financial Officer and Maggie Jistel for the position of Principal for Cypress Elementary School.