Per the LISD Board of Trustee’s request at the May 16 board meeting, the Leander ISD School and Community Relations team is planning a targeted survey of two neighborhood codes  regarding tweaks to our 2020 attendance zoning plan.

Because this is a targeted survey to two small communities, we are using a different survey tool to avoid issues with tampering or over-collection. We will be using our SchoolMessenger system to do a phone and email survey asking parents and guardians to select either option 1 or option 2 for their feeder pattern. The system is configured to only record one response per student, so parents can either respond to the phone or the email survey and only one parent can respond for each student.

We will open this survey on Wednesday, May 22 and close it Monday, May 27.

Discussion on Attendance Zoning for the 2020–21 school year will continue at the Board’s June 6 meeting. Questions and concerns can be submitted through Let’s Talk. For more information about the Leander ISD attendance zone adjustment process, please visit

Board Presentation: May 2
Neighborhood Codes: NBCDs by subdivision | NBCDs by street