Make your voice heard in Leander ISD’s Annual Employee Engagement Survey. The survey is set to open on Monday, Feb. 10.

Done in partnership with the UT Institute of Organizational Excellence, this survey provides district and campus leaders with information needed to make meaningful decisions related to employee satisfaction, retention and productivity.

Please watch a special message from LISD Superintendent Bruce Gearing, Ed.D. , as he invites all #1LISD employees to participate in the survey.

Things to Know

  • 10 Minutes
    From start to finish, the survey should take about 10 minutes to fill out. The survey closes Friday, March 14.
  • Completely Anonymous
    Leander ISD leaders cannot see the identity of survey-takers.
  • Confidential & Secure
    The information provided by our employees will be kept at the University of Texas site to ensure confidentiality and security.

Employees will receive an email invitation from one of the email addresses listed below. Throughout the survey window, the UT system will send reminder emails:

If you have questions, reach out to John West, LISD senior director of human resources, at [email protected].