We can’t imagine any other year that’s worthy of offering more praise and appreciation for our teachers. On Monday, October 5, thousands across the globe celebrated World Teacher Day. This year’s theme, “Leading in Crisis, Reimagining the Future” points to each and every Leander ISD educator who leads classrooms throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
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LISD Teachers Make Headlines
Local news station KVUE highlighted the work of two outstanding LISD employees: Danielson Middle School Algebra I teacher Kala Kalugdan & Source Material Center senior specialist Brenda Howard. The two embody the mindset of our staff, offering unique and innovative ways to put students first. Our teachers exemplify the ability to reach them with resilience.
We can’t thank our teachers enough for their dedication to their profession and most importantly our students. You are valued. You have shown now, more than ever, how to rise to the occasion to lift up our students under the most difficult circumstances.
The honor to work alongside you is all ours.