The Wiley MS Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Taylor Williamson, was named the 2022 2C Honor Band, a distinction given by the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) to the top CC Concert Ensemble in Texas after competing in the region, area and state-level rounds.
Leander ISD Director of Music and Performing Fine Arts Mike Howard equated this achievement to a state championship.
“Being selected as the TMEA State Honor Band is the highest honor a band program can receive,” Howard said. “The whole district joins the students, staff and administration from Wiley MS in celebrating this remarkable achievement and we are so excited to see them perform at the TMEA State Convention in February!”
Two other LISD groups were selected as “Invited Performers” for the 2023 TMEA State Convention. The Vista Ridge Percussion Ensemble, under the direction of Hector Gil, and the Vandegrift High School Chorale Tenor Bass Choir, under the direction of Michael Zook, were also selected through a submitted recording process. They will perform in February at the TMEA convention in San Antonio.