Name: Chelsea Murphy
Campus/Department: Winkley Elementary
Job Title: Special Education Teacher and Team Lead
Spring forward with this week’s Leander ISD staff spotlight, Chelsea Murphy!! Winkley Elementary loves this spring weather and we love having Chelsea on our campus. She BUILDS relationships and brings out the best in everyone.
Chelsea BUILDS authentic relationships with every one of her students and empowers them with the right mindset and tools to be successful. She models humble confidence by speaking wisdom, encouragement, & expertise in really challenging circumstances.
Chelsea coined #winkleyempowers. Her positive vibes, actions and words align, as she BUILDS her students and team by empowering them to rise up with every challenge. Chelsea has high expectations for herself, students, and team. She leads by example and does it with a smile on her face.
“Chelsea is an innovative and intuitive Teacher and SPED Team Leader who brings out the very best of everyone!”
–Davina Stringer, Principal, Winkley Elementary