Step into Naumann Elementary School art teacher Haley Kimโ€™s classroom and youโ€™ll be greeted by the sounds and sights of the welcome routine she does with her students before each class, setting the tone for the day and recognizing the importance of building connection. 

โ€œMy welcome routine is a combination of routines I saw other phenomenal art teachers use, and I couldnโ€™t wait to implement them into my own classroom,โ€ Kim said. โ€œI first greet my students at the door and have them sit on a dot on the floor. I then say to them, โ€˜Hello my most amazing artistsโ€™ and they respond, โ€˜Hello my most amazing art teacher.โ€™ I also taught them the accompanying sign language motions that go along with each word so they speak and sign the phrase at the same time.โ€

After her students recite their โ€œart chant,โ€ Kim gives them an opportunity to share a piece of good news or answer a fun question. 

โ€œItโ€™s so important to build connections with the students,โ€ Kim said. โ€œAs an art teacher who only sees them once a week for 50 minutes, it can be a challenge. By giving students the opportunity to share about themselves every class, I start to know them and their interests โ€” and I love that.โ€ 

Once the welcome routine is done, Kim shares with the class what theyโ€™re doing for the day, and then itโ€™s time for the students to have fun creating their own art. 

As a first-year teacher, Kim says sheโ€™s had a lot of support from her administration, fellow teachers, and her specials team. As she looks ahead to the school year, she is most looking forward to building relationships with her students and supporting them as their art teacher.