Congratulations to Leander Middle School Assistant Principal Ebony Parks! The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP) has selected Parks as the Region 13 Outstanding Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year. Nominated by her peers for exemplary leadership, Parks has shown outstanding collaboration with the greater LMS community and raises the bar of excellence.
“I began my leadership journey here in Leander ISD because my leaders saw my potential,” Parks said. “I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to learn from amazing leaders in our district, and that I get to continuously improve my leadership each day. I am honored by the nomination! I am blessed; I love what I do and the community I serve!”
Parks has served as assistant principal at LMS since 2017. She earned a bachelor of education degree and a master’s degree in instruction & curriculum and from Doane College. Parks is currently pursuing her doctorate through Liberty University.
A huge tiger roar for Ebony Parks, TASSP Region 13 Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year!