Providing a safe, welcoming and caring school environment while partnering with our families has proven to have a positive impact on student learning and personal growth. As we continue to measure these attributes of our school climate, engaging our students and families will help us assess where we have been, where we currently are and identify opportunities to improve and grow for the future.
We invite our students and families to share their student experience and what their school climate has been this year. Leander ISD is partnering with K12Insights to help us collect your feedback. The results of this survey will provide critical evidence of progress for our LISD Strategic Plan, Campus and District Improvement Plans, and our Community-based Accountability System (CBAS). They will be used by campus and district leaders to guide our ongoing improvement efforts.
The LISD Student Experience/Climate Surveys for students (grades 3 – 12) and parents will be open from Feb. 11 to Feb. 28.
Survey Details:
- Confidentiality: All responses are confidential and will be used to inform our improvement efforts across the district.
- Purpose: The survey aims to understand students’ perspectives on various aspects of their educational experience, including academic preparation, student support, and the overall school environment.
- Duration: The survey will take approximately 10–15 minutes to complete.
- Administration Period: Students will be provided time during the school day to complete the survey between February 11 and February 28.
Survey Previews
Note: You will not be able to take the survey from the preview links listed below.
How will the surveys be administered?
- Parents will receive an email with a link to the electronic survey from K12Insights. You can also use this link to access the parent survey.
- Elementary Students (grades 3-5) will have the opportunity to participate in the survey during the school day. Students will log into the survey from a landing page provided by their teacher.
- Secondary Students (middle and high school) will have the opportunity to participate during the school day or anytime on their own. Students will log into the survey from a landing page provided by their teacher and/or through their LISD email.
We value your partnership in enhancing the educational experience for all students.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact your campus principal or [email protected].