You may have noticed a new look and feel on the Leander ISD website. We recently launched our new district site at

Our website still has the same important content you need, but we have improved the search features and accessibility so all visitors can quickly find what they are looking for. On our homepage, you’ll see a search bar that responds to keywords, quick links to our most popular pages, latest News posts and upcoming events, and much more!

This website is built to improve accessibility, functionality and searchability two months after we experienced a three-day outage of our former website.

Leander ISD Webmaster, Daniel Cernero, played a vital role in the project. 

“We have around 10,000 visitors to our website every day and all have different needs,” Cernero said, “So we wanted to build something that was not only more functional but met the needs of all of our website visitors.” 

We are proud to bring our 10,000 daily visitors to a website with the following features:

  • improved search and navigation; 
  • added accessibility features;
  • an index page for finding programs, departments, or essential information; 
  • new and improved audience pages;
  • a districtwide employee directory
  • a chatbot tool; and
  • consolidated content from various subsites condensed into one spot.

In just a few short months, we were able to increase the district’s overall website quality score by 20% utilizing the SiteImprove website quality score, assessing performance by accessibility, search optimization, and reliability.