Does your 3rd-5th grade Steiner Ranch Elementary child like to build, design, invent, create, perform, and work with a team to solve challenges? If so, he or she might be interested in participating in Destination Imagination (DI). Leander ISD is happy to be able to once again sponsor Destination Imagination (DI) teams for grades 3-12. The district will pay the teams’ registration fees to participate in the in-person Heart of Texas Regional meet. Destination Imagination (DI) is a parent-run extracurricular program that fosters creativity, team-based problem-solving skills, and life skills for students. Leander ISD Destination Imagination is open to all students in third through twelfth grades. If you are interested in learning more about Destination Imagination, please visit the Steiner Ranch Destination Imagination website or look over the “What is DI” document. Each team must have a team manager to facilitate team practices. Teams will be created based on available managers and every team must have a manager and two appraiser volunteers. You can read more about the team manager’s responsibilities HERE.

If your child is interested in participating in DI, please read over the attached DI documents and information found on the School DI site, and complete the DI registration Form with your child. All registration forms are due by Friday, September 22, 2023. Contact Anne Witt with any questions regarding DI at [email protected].