During its Jan. 23 meeting, the Leander ISD Board of Trustees agenda included:
- Spotlight on Learning: Early College HS
- Academic Calendar Drafts for 2025–2026 Presented
- Long-Range Planning Framework Developed for Future Work
- Bond Oversight Committee Recommendation Approved for CPHS Modernization Project
- Budget Assumptions Approved for 2025–26 Fiscal Year
- Board Approves Resolution to Pay Employees for Jan. 21 Bad Weather Day
Spotlight on Learning: Early College HS
Students from Early College High School continue to shine! During the Spotlight on Learning, ECHS students shared personal experiences, relating how this unique campus has supported their academic success.
The application window is open now for families of current 8th-graders who think Early College is the right fit for them.
Academic Calendar Drafts for 2025–2026 Presented

🎬 9.A.2. Discussion of 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 Academic Calendars
Following the conclusion of a comprehensive feedback process, the district presented its 2025–26 academic calendar recommendation – Version C – while sharing three different variations. [Full presentation]
Responding to a common refrain heard from each stakeholder group, Version C adds additional two-day holidays for students and staff in each semester – in October and in February – to help break up what were previously uninterrupted stretches in the calendar. In order to accomplish this version, the last day of school is pushed one week later, ending May 29, the Friday after Memorial Day.
Other key features of the recommended calendar – Version C – include:
- First day of school is Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2025, the same week as in 2024–25
- ** New ** Student and staff holiday Oct. 16–17, with a staff professional development day Oct. 20
- ** New ** Student and staff holiday Feb. 12–13, with a staff professional development day Feb. 16
- Last day of school Friday, May 29, one week later than in 2025–26
- Student early release days at the end of each semester: Dec. 19 and May 29
- Continuous Improvement Conference: Nov. 3–4, aligning with Tuesday’s student holiday for Election Day.
- Spring Break: March 16–20, aligning with Austin Community College
- Staff development days during the school year will balance new learning with teacher planning and collaboration time: Sept. 22, Oct. 20, Jan. 5, Feb. 16, March 23 and April 6
This item will be back before the Board for approval at the Feb. 13 meeting.
Previous Updates
- Dec. 17, 2024: Additional Feedback Requested: 2025-26 Academic Calendar
- Nov. 7, 2024: 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Development
- Oct. 16, 2024: Academic Calendar Feedback Requested for 2025–26 School Year
Long-Range Planning Framework Developed for Future Work

🎬 9.B.3. Discussion of Framework for Long-Range Planning Future Work
Building upon the foundational work established through the Long-Range Planning Committee’s work, district administration presented a Framework to guide future Long-Range Planning efforts aimed at aligning the district’s goals and the evolving needs of the community.
At the start of the presentation, Superintendent Bruce Gearing led the Board through a discussion around the timing and locations for Elementary School 31 and Elementary School 32 – two schools funded through the 2023 Bond. Gearing shared the district’s recommendation, while providing the Board the opportunity to weigh in. The district will move forward with the following:
- Elementary School 31 will be located in the northeast area of the district, near the current intersection of FM 2243 and CR 175 in Leander [map]. Aligning with the timeline of county and city road projects for this area, including an expansion of FM 2243, the school is projected to open in 2028 using the same innovative design used for recent elementary schools.
- Elementary School 32 will be located in the western part of the district in the Travisso neighborhood [map]. Design for this school will begin shortly, and the school is projected to open in 2028, again using the same innovative design used for recent elementary schools.
With these elementary school elements in place, the district also shared key components identified in the framework for future work, including a structured approach to Open Enrollment, Facility Optimization and Innovative Academy considerations. The timeline for these initiatives is segmented as follows:
- Short Term (1-3 months)
The focus will be on the development of an open enrollment policy and collaborating with the Board to confirm district project needs and priorities. - Mid Term (3-6 months)
Goals will involve obtaining Board approval for finalized project needs and outlining next steps, while also establishing communication and engagement plans. - Long Term
Objectives include potential implementation of open enrollment for the 2026-27 school year and consider the formation of a Citizen’s Facility Advisory Committee for future bond development.
Looking ahead, district administration highlighted the significance of aligning decisions with community values and input, but did emphasize that no decisions have been made at this time regarding the optimization of specific campuses A continued focus on evaluating priorities and evolving needs will play a key role in shaping a framework that bridges present discussions with future possibilities, reinforcing the district’s dedication to progress and innovation.
Previous Updates
- Jan. 9, 2025: Long-Range Planning Committee Delivers Detailed Update and Resources to Continue Advancing the Process
- Nov. 21, 2024: Long-Range Planning Committee Update on Open Enrollment
- Oct. 24, 2024: Annual Demographic Report
- Sept. 19, 2024: Long-Range Planning Committee Update
Bond Oversight Committee Recommendation Approved for CPHS Modernization Project

🎬 9.B.2. Bond Oversight Committee Recommendations
The Board approved a recommendation of the Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) to reallocate bond funds to go toward the 2023 Bond Cedar Park High School Modernization project. The BOC met earlier in January and voted in favor of bringing this recommendation to the Board.
Note: The Board requested additional information for the recommendation for an Information Technology Bond Project Manager position, and this item would be voted on at a future meeting.
ℹ️ Bond Oversight Committee’s process & membership
Cedar Park HS Modernization
As the modernization project at Cedar Park HS has progressed, it has become clear that additional funds are needed to address a project budget shortage. With the project nearing the halfway mark, LISD now has greater clarity and confidence in the complexities of the scope and the work being executed.
The current status and savings of the Vista Ridge HS modernization project enable the district to reallocate $7,170,365 to CPHS, ensuring the successful completion of both projects while
demonstrating the commitment to delivering on the scope and expectations of both campuses and the community.
Previous Updates
- Nov. 7, 2024: Bond Oversight Committee Recommendations
- May 23, 2024: Bond Oversight Committee Recommendations Approved for Projects Related to Technology, Transportation
- Feb. 1, 2024: Bond Oversight Committee Recommendations Approved for Projects Related to Future Schools, Early College HS, Leander HS Masterplan
- Oct. 26, 2023: Board Approves Bond Oversight Committee’s recommendation of Early Childhood Center
- May 11, 2023: 2023 Building Program Moves Forward Following Successful Bond
- April 13, 2023: Review of Bond Oversight Committee Process & Membership
Budget Assumptions Approved for 2025–26 Fiscal Year

🎬 9.B.5. Discussion and Consider Adoption of the 2025-2026 Budget Assumptions
Trustees approved the budget assumptions and parameters that will be used as a starting point in building the 2025–2026 budget, including:
- Student enrollment of 42,448 based on the reduced growth model in the latest demographic update (not PreK adjusted). This marks a change from using the “moderate” growth model projections in previous years.
- Average daily attendance rate of 94%
- Property value growth based on 4%
- $3 million budgeted to implement the TASB pay study adjustments. Based on administration’s recommendation, there are no other salary increases budgeted at this time due to the uncertainty concerning potential funding changes during the 89th Legislative Session.
- Increase in contribution toward insurance premiums
- Funds to open the facility complex for Science Materials Center and the Special Education 18+ Transition Services program, as well as the Early Childhood Center in 2026–27
- Maintenance & Operations (M&O) tax rate of $0.7394 and Interest and Sinking (I&S) tax rate of $0.33 for a combined total tax rate of $1.0694, a $0.0175 reduction from the current fiscal year.
- Budget parameter of 3%, the level of deficit approval
The following priorities identified by the Board at a previous meeting will guide the budget-making process through the spring:
- Enhancing student support and experience
- Maximizing system efficiencies for revenue generation
- Ensuring effective staffing
District leadership underscored the need for flexibility, noting that budget assumptions will be refined as new data emerges throughout the spring semester – especially in a year with a legislative session, where bills related to increasing the basic allotment or other revenue opportunities are a possibility.
The 2025–26 budget is scheduled for adoption in June.
Previous Updates
- Dec. 12, 2024: Preparations Underway for 2025–26 Budget
- Oct. 10, 2024: Budget Process for 2025–26 Starts with Identifying Priorities
Board Approves Resolution to Pay Employees for Jan. 21 Bad Weather Day
In response to the winter weather storm, the Board approved employee pay for time missed during the district closure. Due to the need for some auxiliary employees to report for work in preparations for and during the closure, the Board also approved time and a half for these employees.
After reviewing the academic calendar requirements, the district will not need to make adjustments to account for the Jan. 21 closure.