As Leander ISD continues to work toward a districtwide attendance zoning plan for the opening of Danielson Middle School in 2020–21, the Board of Trustees asked administration to review Scenario B with a few modifications, rezoning Neighborhood Codes 3100, 3200, 3300 to Cedar Park Middle School to align with the already zoned high school of Cedar Park High School. Like in Scenario B, NBCDs 3400 and 9955 would be rezoned to Leander High School while remaining zoned to Running Brushy Middle School. The resulting Scenario E map and feeder pattern are now posted.

Discussion on Attendance Zoning for the 2020–21 school year will continue at the Board’s May 16 meeting. Questions and concerns can be submitted through Let’s Talk. For more information about the Leander ISD attendance zone adjustment process, please visit

Board Presentation: May 2
Neighborhood Codes: NBCDs by subdivision | NBCDs by street